Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween fun!

Lucas was superbaby for halloween and had his first taste of candy...only the best - See's Candy butterscotch lolli:)
We went trick or treating at Valleyfair mall with Gabriel and Auntie Tess and Uncle Butch. Look how cute...he was a mouse...I was a cat, but i took off almost all my costume by the end of the day.
Mommy made me wear my cat ears everytime I said trick or treat!  She said otherwise they won't give me any candy.
Lucas gave away all his candy and was left with none....I think he thought he was one of the ones giving out candies.
Mommy, who wants this sticker...need to pass all my goodies away!
Me at Jia Jia's preschool halloween parade and party showing off my cool superbaby costume.
Look at me Mommy I missed rehearsal and didn't know I had to line up....opps!
Di Di loves my school and wants to join the parade.
Daddy came home with the biggest pumpkin and we all helped make...a mess.
But Daddy was really into it and made us a cool jack-o-lantern.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cui Cui Bobby's and Aunti Charlene's Bali Wedding

At the Ritz Carlton Chapel rehearsing for the big day. I had my mini fan since it was soo hot!
Me and Oma Rose...I miss her... she flew from Manila just to be with us.
I love the pretty lei of flowers!  I wanted to wear it all day.
Popo was soo hot she brought a mini fan around...I just stuck around her.

This is my new cousin to be! Her name is Stellina...she was a lot of fun and I followed her everywhere. She was also one of the flower girls.

Di Di and I just chillin in the shade...too hot outside..we are waiting to go swimming!