Saturday, January 31, 2009

Chinese New Year and My First Swim Class

Me at my first swim class after crying for about 20 minutes and being insistent on not wanting to go in the water.  Right when I got in the water I stopped crying and then started smiling.  I was brave and Mommy was so proud of me for being there by myself. I'm excited to go next week and can't wait for my first ribbon.
Lucas joining snack time with me at my school during chinese new year.  He wanted his own plate of snacks and wanted to sit with all the other big kids.
Nai Nai came to visit my school and gave a little presentation on chinese new year.  We learned the two lucky colors are Red and Gold!  Nai Nai made sure all the kids remembered that.

Lukie didn't want to leave my school..he loves playing with the train set.

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