Saturday, February 28, 2009

More playdates

We bugged Mommy so much while she was at the bank...she finally gave in. Yeah we got lollipops!

Yummy...we should bug Mommy more often!

Playdate at Auntie Helen and baby Mikey's was really hot, we had to all take off our clothes!
Do I look cool?
Playdate at Logan and Bryce's home.  Eating yummy hotpot noodles.  Thanks Auntie Karen!
Fishing time!
Jai Jai...don't hug me on camera!
Thank you Popo for sending me a mini wrap for my baby dolls...just like mommy!  Also thank you for the dog leash!  I love them:)

Some of the games Jai Jai makes me play with her...we are in a car..

Jai Jai's at swim class...I'll just quickly borrow her new umbrella.  What's so fun about this anyway?
Popo always tells us to put a raw potato on your bumps and it'll heal faster...
Lukie bumped his head and thought he would take care of it himself...he put cooked yams we were eating for dinner on his bump.

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