Friday, March 11, 2011

Leprechaun Trap!

Mommy forgot to dress me in green on St. Patrick's day, luckily I made this hat with my Las Madres playgroup. I wore it proudly while having an early dinner with Daddy before his appointment.
We played with our neighbors Ben and Stephanie one afternoon and made little homes for each snail. Look closely, each snail is on its own rock!
My Leprechaun Trap I made for school. Look at the little red path to the pot of gold! There is a hole underneath the pot of gold covered by clovers. I also prepared some snack for them...a mountain of lucky charm marshmallows! I think they will like it:) I can't wait to catch them, but I'll be sad too.
Making cupcakes for Ebo's birthday. The one with lots of frosting is for me!
Max's first play date with Juliet...only 5 days apart. Max loved playing with her hair. Juliet didn't like it too much...
Mommy and Daddy started weekly breakfast dates...of course with me:) I tried eating all their waffles...

Thanks for your breakfast Daddy...where are we going next week?
Lucas was so excited to bring Jie Jie to his school. Him showing off his marble art.

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