Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter playdate fun!

This week both kids had the whole week off of school. No school = Playdate time! We had fun catching up with old friends this week, playing and of course...more egg hunts:)

On Monday we met up with some old Las Madres friends for a library playdate, in and out burger then even headed out to Costco. Two moms...5 kids...two large costco carts filled with goodies. We survived and got everything on our list too!
Tuesday we met up with our old playdate friends, William and Alexander. It was fun playing at their home again, then we went off to eat yummy dim sum:p
Wednesday was Lucas' Las Madres Egg Hunt day! We finally made it out...even with the cold, breezy and even drizzling rain, we all showed up for some easter fun:) Egg hunt in the park, craft projects, shaky egg dance, and even some parachute fun:)
On Thursday, Cayden was begging to invite her kindergarden friends over to play, make crafts and have lunch.
Mommy led a little craft project and we all made our mini easter baskets! We even had a chocolate egg hunt in our living room using these little baskets! Max ended up biting into almost 6 eggs and ate 1!
On Saturday we planned an egg hunt in Goo Goo's backyard. Here we are...get ready set go! Max was soo excited...his first easter...first egg hunt and look at how eager he is:)
Mommy took us to the mall from some indoor fun too! Max's first time playing here.
Easter Sunday! Daddy had the whole day off...after mass, we spent the rest of the day just being together at Gilroy! Lots of fun, after some shopping and walking a lot, we had a nice dinner at Applebees and played "I Spy" the whole dinner.

1 comment:

Louie Family Weekly Updates said...

we miss you guys, please come over to play soon!